FootGolf Rome Capital

FootGolf Rome Capital

Tiber is the only club to host Footgolf in Rome!

He FootGolf

Born in Holland in 2009, footgolf is played on golf courses where feet are used instead of clubs and the ball is replaced by the classic soccer ball no. 5. The winner is the person who, overcoming various obstacles such as hills, bunkers, trees, ponds, streams, completes the entire course in the fewest number of kicks. The various Footgolf competitions are played individually or by teams of two or more individuals, on 18-hole courses (50 cm diameter) generally laid out on a portion of the golf courses.

Footgolf is played, for the most part, without the supervision of a referee. The game relies on the integrity of the individual in showing consideration to other players and abiding by the Rules. All players must behave in a disciplined manner, always demonstrating courtesy and sportsmanship, regardless of how competitive they may be. This is the “Spirit of the game” of footgolf: a philosophy of life that involves respect, loyalty, honesty and self-discipline.

Although there are rankings and prizes for those players who stand out among the various participants in the competitions, the real challenge is between the player and the PAR of the course, i.e. the pre-established number of shots needed to complete the course (which usually corresponds to 72 strokes for 18 holes). If a player goes below the PAR he wins, if he equals it he draws, while if he finishes the match with a higher number of strokes than it the course wins.

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